Monday 10 December 2012

Arabian Dubai Desert Facts

·         There are a number of different definitions to describe a desert but they are typically areas that receive extremely low amounts of rain.

·         Around one third of the Earth's surface is covered in deserts.

·         The original meaning of the word desert is 'an abandoned place'.

·         Only around 20% of the deserts on Earth are covered in sand.

·         The Arabian Desert in the Middle East is the second largest hot desert on Earth.

·         Hot deserts usually feature high temperatures in the daytime and cold temperatures at night.

·         Deserts have very low humidity.

·         Despite the extreme conditions, deserts are home to a range of well suited plant life including various shrubs and cacti. They are also home to animals such as lizards and coyote.

·         With lack of water, high daytime temperatures and sometimes freezing conditions at night, deserts can be extremely dangerous places for humans.

·         Deserts often contain large mineral deposits.

·         Deserts can be good locations to farm solar energy.

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